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Site Visit – Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Visits N+P in Rotterdam

Written by N+P | Jul 30, 2024 12:48:42 PM

The program consisted of a presentation about the “Value Chain” of waste and a tour of the factory floor where the first essential step towards circularity starts: Waste Sorting. The presentation combined with the guide tour by plantmanager Tiest Aarts covered the innovative solutions and technologies N+P offers to convert non-recycable waste streams into valuable alternative materials and fuels for exhisting major energy consument industries as well as feedstock for the emerging waste to chemicals industry. 

During the site visit, N+P's role in the international waste landscape and the environmental impact of their activities were discussed. The focus was mainly on plastics and current developments, while future-oriented topics like Waste-to-Chemicals (W2C) and circular chemistry were also emphasized. This led to lively discussions about the challenges and opportunities in the sector. The interaction with the delegation revealed both a depth of knowledge and an understanding of the complexity and importance of cooperation between politics, government, industries and citizens.

We thank the ministry for their visit and shown interest.