Today the N+P Group B.V. (“N+P”) announces that the company has acquired the freehold of the property at Huntsmans Drive in Teesside (UK). Thanks to this acquisition, N+P can proudly confirm the start of commissioning of its UK based Subcoal® production line, with the aim to ramp up to full production in the middle of May of this year.
Shortly after the property deal was finalized, first trucks of non-recyclable waste were delivered to site, allowing the production plant to finally start operations after more than 12 months of negotiations. Once the plant is fully commissioned, it will process over 300.000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste per year, with more than 35 FTE’s working on site. The Teesside facility is considered one of the largest, most modern alternative fuel production sites in the world.
Karel Jennissen, N+P’s founder and CEO comments:
“I’m proud and excited that we have finally started our newest production site and I am glad to welcome it into our family. As soon as you walk into the shed and you see the site, it is an impressive piece of engineering. We consider it the most modern alternative fuel production site in the world, capable of producing our high-quality pelletized fuels that will decarbonize the industry. The start of TSP marks a new era in our companies 30-year history and we look forward to serve our customers with the fuels they have been asking for.”
With an annual output capacity of close to 250.000 tonnes per year, the facility can serve several domestic clients with high quality alternative fuels, as well as the European market by exporting using various modalities. The annual output capacity of N+P’s Teesside facility can save an equivalent of approx. 260.000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum, by substitution of fossil fuels in various industries. Apart from the cement industry, N+P have pioneered the development of the utilization of its alternative fuels in industries like lime kilns (both horizontal and vertical) and coal fired power plants. Furthermore, N+P is able to produce alternative reducing agents for the steel industry, which are used as an alternative carbon source to produce steel. In many of these applications, N+P can offer a like for like substitute to coal by supplying pulverized products.
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published on June 23, 2021

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